Digestive issues

Vast amount of health issues stem from our digestive system not working efficiently. Issues can start at the stomach: if food is not being broken down properly, due to lack of enzymes or digestive acids, then clients may experience heart-burn, indigestion, bloatedness and other uncomfortable symptoms. Muscle testing allows us to quickly discover if the stomach has all it needs to work efficiently.
The small intestine absorbs most of our food in order to create energy for the body; it struggles particularly when it is receiving food that it is only partially broken down due to the stomach's impaired performance. As a result, clients can feel tired and unwell as their body is not able to absorb the necessary nutrients.

The large intestine (or gut) plays a role in our health that cannot be underestimated. Often gut flora can become imbalanced and proliferate - for example, many people get thrush due to excess candida in their gut. Additionally, undetected fungal infections can cause glue ear, skin problems, headaches, tiredness and allergies.

Our guts also struggle to cope when they have become damaged. Worn down and perforated gut lining can allow toxins to pass into the bloodstream and this is often the cause of food sensitivities and allergies, as the body is incapable of processing these particular food types. Malfunctioning Ileo-caecal and Huston valves can also have far reaching effects and cause toxicity due to the body's waste products not being evacuated efficiently. People with IBS type symptoms can benefit hugely from kinesiological testing and treatment of these valves to get them working properly again.

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