

Blog Entries:
1. Remedies to turn to in times of stress
2. Too much, or too LITTLE stomach acid?
3. Eczema
4. Children and bed-wetting
5. The truth about meds
6. Clearing the sinuses
7. Red lights
8. The Power of Music
9. Coffee
10. Tummy pain
11. Boosting your immune system
12. Sugar cravings

1. Remedies to turn to in times of stress

Bach flower remedies are an invaluable part of my tool kit in providing my clients with emotional support. There are 40 in total, and most people have heard of Rescue Remedy, the most popular combination remedy for times of stress.

People aren't always aware that there are 39 other remedies, for individual emotional states. In these times of acute fear and uncertainty, here are some that I would recommend:

'Aspen" – for feelings of unease (at its least potent), with the premonition that something bad is going to happen, but the cause of this seems unknown. Can suffer from panic attacks.

'Mimulus" – fear of known things, phobias, anxiety, uncertainty, hypersensitivity

'Rock Rose" – escalating anxiety in emergencies, heart stopping fear, panic nightmares

'Elm" – feeling overwhelmed, things are too much, despondency and exhaustion, is indispensable to others

'Sweet Chestnut', 'Mustard', 'Gentian" and 'Gorse" are all for various states of lowness of mood, this website is excellent at providing descriptors so that you can choose what might be the most appropriate:

Essence Selector - Healing Herbs Online Shop - Bach Flower Remedies

You can get these remedies from health food stores, most chemists, or online at with discount code LOB15.

2. Too much, or too LITTLE stomach acid?

Symptoms of hypochlorhydria (stomach acid DEFICIENCY) can include:

hair loss
intestinal infections
nausea while taking supplements
nutrient deficiencies, including deficiencies in iron and vitamin B-12
undigested food in the stool
upset stomach
weak fingernails

Sound familiar? This is routinely self-diagnosed as EXCESS stomach acid and treated with antacids and PPIs, but this of course only adds to the problem, depleting you of the exact thing you need.

Stomach acid is well known to deplete as we grow older. We need certain levels of stomach acid to break down and digest our food, and it's also crucial in killing off bacterial and viral infections that are ingested. We also can't absorb B12 without it.

High levels of stress, low zinc levels / absorption, helicobactor pylori infection, stomach surgery, use of antacids and increased age are all factors of decreased stomach acid levels.

With kinesiology's muscle testing, we can quickly ascertain whether the issue is indeed too little, or too much stomach acid. If it is too little, then we can identify the correct supplement to rectify this and all those uncomfortable symptoms become a thing of the past!

3. Eczema

This is one of the most distressing conditions that clients come with, especially in children. It's also close to my heart, as my youngest son developed eczema when he moved on to formula after my breast milk began to run low. Whilst his wasn't itchy, his face looked like he had been burned. Using kinesiology we were able to totally clear it and he has been eczema free ever since.

The good news is that it most definitely IS treatable. The greatest advantage of kinesiology, in my opinion, is the ability to muscle test. Eczema is nearly always exacerbated by foods that are being regularly ingested, or products (wash powder, conditioner, shower gels, shampoo etc) that are regularly used. We find a strong indicator muscle and then simply place the food/products on the body and when the body is unable to tolerate that substance the muscle completely 'unlocks" and turns weak to show that it weakens the body and it cannot cope. This takes out all the guess work and avoids weeks, if not months of omission diets and guess-work.

Other factors that often show with regards to eczema are raised histamine levels (so the individual may well also suffer from hayfever or allergic reactions). By using nutritional supplements and stress support remedies, histamine and stress levels can be lowered naturally so that the body is not in a permanent state of 'high" alert.

Zinc, Selenium and oil deficiency can also play a part, as can the need for powerful probiotics to rebalance the gut flora microbiome. It takes minutes to see if you or your child is deficient in any of these key nutrients which are crucial in hydrating and replenishing our skin and also in maintaining our gut health.

4. Children and bed-wetting

Approximately 5 million children over the age of 5 years old still wet the bed. Most people will have tried reducing liquid intake for the last couple of hours before their child goes to bed and may have even used a bed-wetting alarm. If these have little or no impact then it's worth considering the following:

– stress is nearly always a factor. The adrenal glands in our body create a 'fight or flight" response which can unfortunately become the body's 'normalised" state if the child feels they are under ongoing stress. When the body is in a highly adrenal state, it weakens both the kidney and bladder energies, leaving these organs compromised. I use muscle testing to ascertain whether a) the adrenals are overactive b) what is causing this and c) how to balance it.

– occasionally there may be infection present which will be an irritant to the bladder. Again, muscle testing will ascertain this and provide clarification as to which nutritional supplement will be needed to clear this.

– bowel blockages and constipation put pressure on the bladder, causing it to involuntarily empty. If your child is constipated then we would explore whether they were dehydrated, sensitive to certain foods or stressed (which often causes the bowels to seize up).

– the child's primary reflexes in this area may not yet be fully integrated. Primary reflexes are neurological responses which are meant to be integrated in the baby and toddler years in order for the adult reflexes to be able to emerge (rather like milk teeth falling out in order for adult teeth to emerge). There are a multitude of reasons that primary reflexes can get 'blocked" (illness, stress, nutritional deficiencies are just a few), but one in particular, the 'Spinal Gallant" reflex often comes up as un-integrated in children who have bed-wetting issues. Other associated issues can be (but NOT always): fidgety, irritated by clothes / labels, poor co-ordination, irritable bowel, sensitive to noise, dislikes touch, poor posture, signs of hyperactivity or ADHD. So, if these seem familiar in the child in question then it could well be that they need a Primary Reflexes integration session.

5. The truth about meds

First and foremost, I feel it important to say that I truly believe that there is a place for conventional medicine and healthcare in our society. Kinesiology is a complimentary therapy – intended to work alongside, not instead of conventional healthcare. We all know someone whose life has been saved or health dramatically involved thanks to our National Health System and the medication and procedures that it has provided.

However, the most recent statistics (provided by a recent NHS survey of 8,000 people) reveal some quite shocking and alarming facts:
– in total, the NHS dispensed 1.1 billion prescriptions in 2016. This has increased approximately 47% in the last decade.
– 48% of people were taking one drug in an average week.
– 24% of people were taking three drugs in an average week
– in over 75s, almost half were taking five drugs or more
– one in seven adults are on statins
– one in seven adults are on blood pressure medication
– one in ten adults are on anti-depressants

So how has it got to this state? Are all of these drugs absolutely necessary? And how many of us know someone who has taken medication for one issue, only to have this cause side effects for which they need another drug, and so on and so-forth until they are taking a debilitating cocktail of drugs for what was initially only one complication?

What concerns me, is that I believe people have forgotten that there are alternative avenues to explore. Many of the drugs listed above have to be taken because people have abdicated responsibility for their own health and well-being. Instead of adjusting their diet, implementing exercise routines and nurturing activities, they have chosen the 'quick" fix – the drug – but at what cost? It will only ever be alleviating the symptoms, not addressing the cause.

Kinesiology can be hugely beneficial in seeing whether a client is deficient in vitamins, minerals, or any other nutrition that helps support and balance our bodies. It is also phenomenal at balancing the body's energies and pinpointing areas that need emotional support; both aspects are crucial in maintaining our health. These conditions that are supposedly seen as something that 'just happens', or 'inevitable" as we age are NOT. They can often be prevented and treated naturally, if people are prepared to take the time and steps to nurture themselves.

In addition to this, in the cases where medication is absolutely crucial, kinesiology can help support the body (especially the organs that tend to get hit the hardest: the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys) and minimalise the toxic effects that can take their toll. Give me a call, or book in a consultation to explore the best way to bring your body back into balance.

6. Clearing the sinuses

It's a common complaint at this time of year: stuffy, bunged up noses! It can often be a result of a viral infection that just won't seem to shift, whilst others feel that constant central heating doesn't help either.
Well, help is at hand! The following video link explains that often our sinuses are blocked due to inadequate lymphatic drainage. Our lymph system allows our body to collect and drain out all the impurities; certain points can become sluggish and blocked and just a few minutes gentle pressure each day can allow normal flow to resume.
It'a also wonderful for when you feel the start of a bug – you know the feeling – the scratchy throat, the heavy eyes… As soon as you get any of these symptoms then do this exercise, giving the body the boost it needs to fight the infection and eradicate it from your body.

7. Red lights

You probably own a car. You are required by law to ensure
that it is running with basic safety features by having an annual MOT. If you
are wise, you also look after it by having it regularly serviced. If you didn't,
and it broke down, you surely wouldn't be that surprised, as you hadn't taken
care of it and taken preventative measures for it not to get worn out. So why
do the majority of people take far better care of their vehicles than they do
of themselves?! Isn't it strange? We spend all that (necessary) money on our
cars, but how much do we invest – not just in monetary terms, but in time as
well – on our health and wellbeing?

Cars have warning lights that go off, often hopefully before
the problem gets too severe that the vehicle completely breaks down. Again, a
sensible person does not ignore these. But how many people ignore their own red
warning lights? Any ache or pain is a red light. Any feeling of imbalance
within the body is a red light. Disease is often the amalgamation of red lights
which have gone ignored. The time has gone to break the habit and listen to
your body! Instead of masking the symptoms with medication, get to the root of
what is actually out of balance and causing the original problem. Kinesiologists can help – we are the body's 'mechanics'! Your muscle responses give us the clues
we need to help restore the balance.

If you were to put diesel in a petrol engine, or vice versa,
you certainly wouldn't be surprised that it caused major problems and the
vehicle ground to a halt! If any of you believe you are fuelling your body with
a food that is in effect toxic to you, then come and find out for sure with
food sensitivity testing. Everyone has totally different biochemical body composition,
no two people are the same. With the
exception of sugar, there is no food type that is a blanket problem across the
nation. 'One man's meat is another man's poison" and surely it would benefit
everyone to know what they can and can't tolerate?

8. The Power of Music

Over the Christmas period, we will have heard many festive
songs that immediately cause an emotional reaction. Hopefully it will be one of
nostalgia and joy, but it can sometimes cause sadness, like if it brings back
memories of a loved one we have lost, or a similar time of sadness. Music lifts
the spirit and holds a special place in our hearts and minds – the magically 'unlocking'
effect of music on someone with dementia, who has otherwise lost all memory and
purposeful interaction – is evidence of this.

Many people however are unaware of the far reaching impact
that the power of music can have on our health, on a cellular level. Masaru
Emoto conducted an experiment on water crystals, which he exposed to different
types of music and photographed the effects on the crystals. The results are
staggering: calming, soothing music produced stunning, symmetrical crystals.
Harsh, ugly, discordant music produced malformed, stunted crystals. Weird, you
might say, but how is this relevant to me? Well, in an earlier blog about our
body's need for water, I remind you that our body's scientific constitution is
a staggering 70% water! When a baby is born, it is even higher, at 95%. So what
we listen to – and this reaches far beyond music, to the words we also hear on
a daily basis – is having a significant
impact on our body at a cellular level.

To find out more about this fascinating process, and to see the
images of the differing crystals, go to
The resource is for children, but it's beautifully simple
and straight to the point.

9. Coffee

So, most people enjoy a cup of coffee. Most people also
realise that when they ingest the caffeine, they might experience insomnia,
nervousness, restlessness, irritability, stomach upset, fast heartbeat, muscle
tremors and headaches.

As a result, a lot of people decide to drink decaffeinated. The
caffeine is stripped from the coffee bean using chemical methods. Experts tell
us that no chemical residue remains in our decaffeinated tea or coffee, and
many big coffee chains, Starbucks included, make decaf using methylene
chloride, which they believe preserves the full flavour of the coffee. But is
this actually better for your health? There's no denying that exposure to
methylene chloride in other forms can cause headaches, skin irritation,
dizziness and faintness. Several studies have raised concerns with links to
cancer and rheumatoid arthritis and do you really want to be drinking something
that is treated with the same chemical used in aerosol sprays and paint

The good news is that there is a process which does not use
chemicals and does leave your coffee caffeine free, known as The Swiss Water
Process. In this process, the coffee beans are soaked in caffeine free
green coffee extract so that the caffeine is extracted from the bean and into
the water yet the flavour components remain.
The now caffeine saturated green coffee extract is then processed
through activated charcoal to remove the caffeine and thus becoming caffeine
free again ready to extract caffeine from a new batch of coffee. The coffee
beans are then dried to their originating moisture level and re-bagged. The
Swiss Water Process results in coffee that is 99.9% caffeine free. Find out more

10. Tummy pain

It's a familiar cry from our kids: "Muuuuum, Daaaaad, I've got tummy ache!" Sometimes it's most definitely an avoidance tactic, but there are also times when you know as a parent that they are in considerable discomfort or pain and it can even be affecting their ability to play, study or sleep.

The first thing that I look for in this instance is gut infection. It's unpleasant to think about, but let's face it, children's hygiene can often leave a lot to be desired… Parasite infections (such as threadworm) can often go undetected and cause all sorts of discomfort. Overgrowth of bacterial or fungal infection can also give out all sorts of toxicity which can cause bloating, gas and discomfort. There are non-invasive and simple remedies to be found through the muscle testing which can quickly eradicate these.

Another common denominator can be food sensitivities. These are not the same as allergies (which you really would know about due to the severity of the auto-immune response!), but are often the case of a food being eaten too much, or being too harsh on the digestive system at the moment for whatever the reason, and the body simply needs a break. Once these are identified through the muscle testing (as a strong muscle completely unlocks or 'collapses" when a food is laid on the body that it is currently unable to tolerate), the client often has to omit them from their diet for a few weeks in order for the digestive system to heal and recover and then they can slowly be re-introduced. This can be particularly relevant to children whose diets are very limited as the body is overloaded with the same foods daily and needs variety.

If the pain is systematically in the area between the belly button and hip, then it's likely that it's either the ileo-caecal valve (on the right) or Huston valves (on the left). These are massively important structural parts of the small and large intestine with huge parts to play in our gut health (too much to go into here!), but if they are structurally impaired then it can result in body toxicity, IBS symptoms, excessive flatulence, constipation or diarrhea. The balancing of these valves is one of the most powerful tools within my practice.

Finally, it's commonly acknowledged that stress causes muscles to tighten. It's the same in our guts – a huge and intricate network of muscles and fibres. Using muscle testing, we explore whether stress is a factor and what nutritional supplement or emotional support remedy can help relax the body and restore its positive energy.

11. Boosting your immune system

It's that time of year again (as I write in early November), where the majority of us are going to go down with coughs and colds. One or two are to be expected, as part of a natural and healthy response to new viruses and bugs 'doing the rounds', but if you are regularly poorly, or totally wiped out by infections, then you need to consider supporting your immune system further.

One of the most powerful roles of the little-recognised lymphatic system is to support the body's response to infection by creating and distributing lymphocytes, which fight infection and clear toxins. Unlike the circulatory system which has the heart to pump it, the lymphatic system needs movement and for the body to be hydrated in order for it to circulate effectively. So to give your body a 'fighting chance" in combatting infection, you need to be well hydrated and exercising - even if it's brisk walking.

These cross crawl exercises are not only great fun, but fantastic for getting lymph flowing. In addition, they improve concentration and co-ordination and are remarkable with helping anyone with learning difficulties.

cross crawl

Gargling with colloidal silver has also saved my family from many a sore throat developing into a cough - it really stops it in its tracks. High dose Vitamin C the same - we tend to use this as soon as we get any symptoms. Vitamin D and zinc are used more as maintenance to keep immunity strong. You can get all of these from with 15% discount off, using code LOB15.

Your thymus is a small gland in the chest that makes and trains your T-cells - crucial in fighting disease and infection. Doing the 'thymus thump" gives it a huge boost of energy. You tap in waltz-time (one-two-THREE) on the area called the sternal angle / Angle of Louis.

angle of louis

12. Sugar cravings

I write this at the start of the new year, having just packed away all the sweet treats from Christmas. It hasn't taken long for my body to get very used to the daily mince pies, after eights, mulled wine etc and it is shouting at me to end every meal with a sweet nibble like it's become accustomed to!

The lure of sugar is quite remarkable. You may or may not be aware of its addictive properties, but it stimulates the same parts of the brain as other addictive drugs and we all know that feeling when we crave a sugar 'hit'. There is increasing scientific evidence also for the part that sugar (as well as refined carbs) are playing in so many avoidable, increasingly prevalent conditions and diseases such as type 2 diabetes, some heart conditions and obesity.

However, when I see a client with high sugar intake, I'm also looking to see if there are other factors at play than just habit and 'addiction'. For example, people who are very stressed tend to have over-active adrenal glands (the organs responsible for our creation of adrenaline and cortisol and our body's response to stress - 'fight, flight or freeze'). If we are highly stressed, then our body will be looking for a quick fix for what it thinks may need to be a big burst of energy in reaction to its perceived 'danger" - and sugar is the perfect ingredient to give high and quick release energy.

Also, if a client has gut dysbiosis (an imbalance in the gut microbes where the healthy, necessary gut microbes have become outnumbered by pathogenic microbes such as fungii, viruses, bacterial overgrowth etc) then these guys also crave sugar as their life force! And this really does 'translate" into sugar cravings.

One of the biggest game changers can be what food you start your day with. If you start your day with a sugary cereal (and yes sadly, check your 'healthy" granola packet), or a fruit laden smoothie, or an empty carb piece of toast slathered with honey or jam, then this straight away sets your body off with a sugar 'high'. this will only last so long until you 'crash" - you feel sluggish and lethargic - so of course you reach for a sweet snack to boost you and off you go on the never-ending cycle!

The game-changer here is to increase your intake of slow-release, dense carbs and protein. This may mean eggs for breakfast, or porridge, or adding nuts and seeds to your cereal, switching from low fat, flavoured (ie sugary) yoghurt to full fat plain yoghurt, perhaps introducing small amount of good quality meat or fresh fish into your first meal. This will take a lot longer for your digestive system to process and will leave you fuller for longer and far less in need of the mid morning 'pick me up'.

Also try exchanging the unhealthy snacks for nuts, seeds, hummus and dips, mashed avocado on oatcakes or ryvita, low sugar fruit. And probably most importantly, get rid of the sweet stuff in your house - pop it in your garage so that it's not easy to access!

If you want to know what's fuelling your sugar cravings, and get on top of them, then you know where I am!...

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