Babies & children

Many people mistakenly lament the fact that kinesiology cannot be used on babies and young children. The wonderful news is that it can. Clearly, the baby cannot perform the muscle tests, but a surrogate can be used. By holding or touching the baby, they can then be tested and their responses inform the practitioner of what they need to know.

This has proven invaluable in many cases, especially as parents find it upsetting and frustrating that there is clearly something wrong that their child is unable to communicate. The following issues can often be resolved:
  • poor sleeping
  • repeated infections
  • suspected intolerances/allergies
  • asthma
  • excema
  • colic type symptoms
  • digestive issues
  • regurgitating food / milk
  • disturbed / distressed behaviour
  • poor co-ordination
  • lack of energy / listlessness
Having been a teacher for over ten years, the increasing amount of issues associated with children is a growing concern. Many parents become resigned to their children not being effective learners or perhaps displaying poor concentration or behavioural issues. More and more are feeling the need to turn to medication for their child.

Kinesiology's muscle testing is extremely effective for children. It can provide massive insight into issues or behavioural patterns. Nutrition often plays a key role - a child's behaviour can become transformed when they are supplied with a key vitamin or mineral that their body desperately lacked. Children who have been diagnosed with ADHD, ADD or autism have been found to be particularly responsive in this respect.

There are also powerful techniques which can be used for children suffering with reading difficulties, dyslexia, dispraxia and lack of co-ordination. Common conditions which children have suffered from since birth, such as asthma and excema can also be treated. All of these are completely non-invasive, drug-free and provided in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Finally, in a world which can be rather daunting and confusing at the best of times, emotional support is an important factor. Emotional fears and issues weaken all of us, but children may often have trouble both expressing and dealing with these. Muscle testing can help lead us to the emotional root of many problems and help provide your child with the strength and confidence to move on and up.

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